Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, after reading "Introduction to Post-Modernism"--with the hyphen of course, I really learned a little bit more about the extremist views artist have on art itself. The main thing I got from this book was that art cannot be categoried. Art is collage and hybrid of a multitude of resources and traditional artistic forms. Post Modernists themselves try to break the 'art rules' and take things out of context to therefore create an artistic medium. However, the notion of a post modernist is slightly paradoxial in a sense that post-modernism is about anti-identity. And, since calling something post-modern automatically brands an image of rebellious anarchy and over-conceptualism, things considered post-modern with that title are in themselves no longer post-modern, for one cannot be in the movement if it is directly associated with it. This creates an even more complicated slant on 'What is art and who decides?'...But, an interesting one at that. I feel those who are not post-modern or who do not associate with the movement would decide the 'art' to not be art, because it is so far from mainstream

this book really on skimmed the surface on this question of art, and opened my eyes to how truly contreversal the subject is.

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